We had a bit of scare yesterday. Monica became very ill all of a sudden. The volunteer doctor here at the village treated her, but the symptoms continued to increase. So, we (Monica and I) went to a local hospital called FAME Clinic. A driver from RVCV drove us the 45-minute distance--most of it on a very bumpy road. FAME was founded by an American doctor (Dr. Frank and his wife, Susan) over 10 years ago. We actually met Dr. Frank and his wife, Susan, last Sunday. We had lunch together. This hospital is unlike the typical Tanzanian government-run hospitals. It was clean, prompt, and provided great service. Monica had to stay the night because she needed IV fluids and antibiotics. She has an infection in her GI and also a parasite. She most likely ingested some "bad" water. It's so tricky in third-world countries. Although the water is filtered here at RVCV, the produce is usually rinsed in tap water. We've been both using tap water to brush our teeth because RVCV said it was safe to brush teeth with, just not to drink. Monica gargled the water while brushing, so it's also possible some got in her system that way. I was ready to stay the night on the floor with her, but a bed was available in the same room. We had a rough night sleep because a dog kept barking, barking, and BARKING most of the night to chase off a pack of hyenas. Yes, hyenas---they are very local around RVCV and around FAME...and every where else around here. Their callings sound somewhat innocent, but the dog barking was fierce, and right outside our window. We are back at the Village now. Monica is resting and slowly beginning to feel better. She's MUCH better than she was yesterday, but needs to take it easy for awhile. The doctors said she should be back to her normal self in 24-48 hours. We were both VERY impressed with FAME. I've known about FAME for quite some time now, and I had planned on touring the facility, but I didn't plan on seeing it with a sick patient. The staff there is simply amazing! Monica was well cared for and received wonderful medical attention. If you're interested, check out FAME's website at: http://www.fameafrica.org/whoweare.html. They rely on donations to keep the place running.
I've been enjoying Pre-school! I have 4 kids in my class: Janu, Ema, Joanne, and Musa. They are all sweet and excited to learn. (They're also SUPER DUPER cute!) I'm happy with the classroom make over. There are classroom rules, expectations, and consequences. I made a "Reading Castle" and have even started a short version of Morning Meeting. Each preschooler has a feeling stick. For the past few days we've been working on shapes, patterns, communication, following directions, and creativity.
Looking at sticker charts and rule |
Making crowns for the Reading Castle |
Guess who is stepping in as the Education Director? ME!! RVCV currently doesn't have one, but needs some help designing a preschool and kindergarten program. Most of the volunteers here aren't teachers, so they struggle with making and carrying out lessons. In the mornings I've been teaching my class and playing with the kids. In the afternoons, I've been working on curriculum and planning.
Here are some pictures of Rift Valley Children's Village. There are 5 houses--each house has 11-13 children, 2 Tanzanian mommas, a student teacher and 1-2 volunteers.
Manyara House (where I am staying) |
Pretty Suset 2 Nights Ago |
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